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December & Downtown Container Park


December is a happy month!  Thanksgiving has vanished from our rear view mirror and Christmas will be here before you know it.  We’ve been busy wrapping things up for the year and slowly planning a few cool surprises for next year.  The bands are finishing out the year strong and a few of our artists have been able to make some regular appearances in the ever developing and changing Downtown Las Vegas landscape.  The all new Downtown Container Park is about to make it’s grand entrance into the downtown scene and we’re excited to be a part of it.  HaleAmanO and Joshua Bledsoe have several performances scheduled at the new downtown digs and have already tried out the venue by performing there during their soft opening. at the end of November.  We are all excited to continue to be a part of the growth downtown and look forward to the new venues coming on-line in the near future.  Please check back with us regularly to keep up with the artists we support and the various events we are a part of!

12.03.13 Pic for E320 Post
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