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HaleAmanO hits the UK in a BIG WAY!


HaleAmanO received this e-mail from a couple in the UK, way to go boys!

“My partner and I came to Vegas in November 2011 and stumbled across your band while walking back from my best friends wedding.

We enjoyed the music so much we purchased your CD there and then, and subsequently rinsed it on every car journey we made! In fact it stayed in the CD player for a good 6 months untouched.

Yesterday we got married and chose “Hold me in your arms” as our wedding song. We reckon we might be the only people in the UK to date to get married to a Haleamano song so just had to tell you. I hope this message has made your day special like your music made ours.

With best regards, Imogen & Martin Palmer”

From HaleAmanO and the rest of the E 320 family, we wish a warm Aloha and Congratulations to Imogen & Martin Palmer!

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